The Brooklyn Nets recognize and honor Chinese community and culture during our annual Chinese New Year United Game.
Merchandise Collaboration
華人青年 (WAH YAN CHING NIN) collaborated with the Brooklyn Nets on a custom merch line that was sold exclusively in the Nets’ team store at Barclays Center, Brooklyn Fanatics.
Chinese Rapper Yitai Wang treated fans to a performance during halftime.
Chinese Cuisine Carnival
Fans were able visit the Chinese Cuisine Carnival presented by Venturant Group, where they could indulge in food from six authentic Chinese restaurants.
Entertainment Teams
The Brooklynettes debuted special dance routines in celebration of the night’s festivities.
Gameball Delivery
The Game Ball was delivered by Wang Peng, Founder of 華人青年 (WAH YAN CHING NIN); Roy Liao, Founder and CEO of Venturant Group; and Huang Ping, Counsel General of China in New York.
The Brooklyn Nets had a full-arena Year of the Dragon Red Envelope giveaway to welcome fans to Chinese New Year Night. Each envelope included a red 華人青年 (WAH YAN CHING NIN) bracelet symbolizing luck and wishing fans a prosperous happy new year.